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Compco Quaker Mfg.

Compco Quaker Manufacturing: the on-time, quality leader in metal forming.

Compco Quaker Manufacturing: the on-time, quality leader in metal forming. Our engineers tailor the exact solution to your unique supply needs, no matter how unusual or complicated. The in-house tool and die team creates high-quality, high-endurance tools your job demands. We use full CMM and laser scanning for quality checks and reverse engineering. In our 104,000-sq.-ft. facility, the company's experienced shop craftsmen produce pieces that meet or exceed your standards on every project, whether it is a matter of stamping, laser cutting, plasma cutting, fabrication, or assembly.

187 Georgetown Road

Salem, OH 44460

Phone: 330-332-4631


Sales Contact

Hunter Wells

Business Account Manager

Email: hunter.wells@compco.com

Sales: 330-332-4631