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G-TEC Natural Gas Systems

I didn't know you could do that with natural gas!

G-TEC natural gas torch boosters elevate city natural gas pressure as high as 45 psi for oxyfuel cutting, brazing and preweld heating. Replace acetylene and propane with high pressure natural gas - cut fuel costs by up to 90 percent, make quality cuts and brazes, improve workplace safety, and never run out of gas. No limit on pressure or withdrawal/flow rate.

G-TEC torch boosters are certified for performance, reliability and safety by CSA International and welcomed in all buildings in North America.

G-TEC provides size models of torch booster.

201 Dutton Ave

Buffalo, NY 14211

Phone: 716-831-9695

Fax: 716-831-0876


Sales Contact

Ed Howard

VP Sales/Marketing

Email: ehoward@gas-tec.com

Sales: 716-831-9695

Toll-free: 800-451-8294