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Jiangsu Wangxuan Metal Products Co. Ltd.

BPE stainless steel tubes, sanitary stainless steel tubing, hi-clean pipes, hi-clean tubes, hygienic stainless steel tubes,

Jiangsu Wangxuan specializes in fabricating electropolished stainless steel tubes and fittings.The interior surface finishes of tubing are especially high quality.These ultra-clean pipes and tubes are widely used in the sanitary, pharmaceutical, biotech, semiconductor, aerospace, and instrumentation industries.

Hongqiao Industrial Park

Taixing City

Taizhou, Jiangsu 225453 China

Phone: 021-64785405

Fax: 0523-84383920


Sales Contact

Zhang Zhang

export manager

Email: sanitarysstubes2002@gmail.com

Sales: 021-64785405