Our Sites

Schelling America, Inc.

Schelling, based in Austria since 1917, has always focused on designing and building durable and accurate manufacturing saws. Since the 1960s, cut-to-size saws for materials board (including peripheral solutions) have been our core discipline.

With over 500 employees around the globe, we are both resourceful and flexible. Schelling's headquarters are located in Vorarlberg (Austria) and with 10 locations around the globe, we're only a 'stone's throw' away from our customers.

Schelling offers a diverse range of plate saws for cutting all types of non-ferrous metal. Air tables are available to protect material and ease movement into the saw.

The machines operate with exceptionally high cleanliness in both the direct cutting area and its peripheral range. Schelling's patented CLEAN-UP function removes 99.5% of chips, increasing precision while protecting plate surfaces.

Each machine can be operated independently or as part of an integrated automated production system.

The U.S. office for sales, service and support is Schelling America, Inc. Machines are available for demo in our new 10,000-square-foot showroom in Raleigh, NC.

301 Kitty Hawk Drive

Morrisville, NC 27560

Phone: 919-544-0430

Fax: 919-544-0920


Sales Contact

Stephen Bailey

Sales Manager

Email: Sbailey@schelling.com

Sales: 919-544-0430