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Western Welder Outfitting

Western apparel store

Here at Western Welder Outfitting, nothing is more important to us than making superior quality welding apparels from shirts, hats, gloves and more. We know what its like being bowed up working straight 12s and know that you want to wear quality gear that’s going to work as hard as you are … and look good while you are at it too.

We’re a brand forged in the field by hard times and long hours – made for welders. With a high quality product, a high quality experience, for a fair price, you can rest assured knowing that Western Welder Outfitting is here to provide you with the products that are going to hold up.

202 Sawyer Lane

Kalispell, MT 59901

Phone: 406-407-1868


Sales Contact

Jordan Beaman

Email: westernwelderoutfittingmt@gmail.com

Sales: 406-407-1868