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Hardsurfacing electrodes have extended wear life

Select-Arc Inc. has introduced two complex carbide hardsurfacing electrodes designed to extend wear life by 33 percent over standard chromium carbide alloys, reports the company.

SelectWear 63 is an open-arc wire produced to yield a deposit of primary chromium carbides and secondary columbium carbides in a martensitic matrix. Its weld deposit delivers high abrasion resistance with moderate impact and will stress-relief crack check. The electrode maintains 60 to 63 HRC as deposited, with wear resistance between 1,200 and 1,400 degrees F.

SelectWear 65 is composed of a high density of primary chromium carbides and multiple secondary carbides. Like SelectWear 63, the wire will stress-relief crack check. It provides 61 to 65 HRC. Its wear resistance is between 1,400 and 1,500 degrees F.

Both electrodes are designed for welding applications such as clad wear plate, slurry pipe, and fan and mixer blades. SelectWear 63 also handles grinding rolls, table segments, and aggregate screens, while SelectWear 65 is suitable for cement furnace components, sinter plant parts, and screws.