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Hastings to host seminars on addressing hazardous air-quality issues

Hastings Air Energy Control Inc. will host complimentary seminars on air-quality issues on Aug. 3 and 4 from 7:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Hastings Technology Experience Center in New Berlin, Wis.

The seminars, which include breakfast and lunch, will comprise live demonstrations of dust explosion and weld fume source capture; combustible dust compliance updates from NFPA and ACGIH; and live panel discussions.

Topics covered will include combustible dust risk management for aluminum, magnesium, titanium, food dust, and wood dust; air-quality testing, exposure limits, and sampling; designing of collection systems for weld fumes, mist, and other contaminants; and the risks of coolants in a facility.

To register visit www.hastingsair.com/seminar/sign-up.