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Custom press brake tooling available from Mate Precision Tooling

modified standard and custom press brake tools in American Precision style, European Precision style, and Wila TRUMPF style

Image provided by Mate Precision Tooling

Mate Precision Tooling offers modified standard and custom press brake tools in American Precision style, European Precision style, and Wila TRUMPF style.

While the standard tools fulfill the requirements of most fabricating operations, bending variations may require modifying the angle of a standard punch or die a few degrees. The induction hardening depth of 0.118 to 0.157 in. allows material removal to modify an angle or change a radius without jeopardizing the structural integrity of the tool.

When a standard or modified standard Mate PBT isn’t the best solution, the company can design custom tooling, such as a hinge curl tool that can form a curl in two or three strokes.