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Cricket-I welding manipulator from Koike helps simplify pipe fabrication

Koike Aronson Ransome has introduced the Cricket-I welding manipulator, designed for the small to midsize fabrication market. Offering 6 ft. of powered lift and 6 ft. of manual reach, the manipulator provides stable welding from end to end. It features 20-IPM lift speed and a maximum load capacity of 150 lbs.

The system comes standard with a manual travel car, including V-wheels, fork truck pockets, and mast rotation with lock. An optional pipe welding package incorporates the manipulator with the company’s standard Wel-Handy Multi Next and WU-3 weaver mounted on the end of the boom. This package is configured to use the 3- by 3-in. manual cross slide and built-in weaving functionality to automate pipe welding.